[Inkscape] Inkscape Status 2003-12-15

Project Status Monday, December 15, 2003
We have achieved the 0.36 release. A handful of users have expressed positive feedback on the work done. Judging from the quantity of downloads, we're serving a userbase on the order of 1500 people.
We've unfrozen the codebase and already laid into some impressive new features for the next release including support for boolean operations, a feature long requested by users. A new color picker system is also in place. Also, as planned, we've committed to C++ by changing the build system to use g++ instead of gcc and by renaming all of the files from .c to .cpp.
Statistics Nov 02 Nov 15 Nov 29 Dec 15 ========== ====== ====== ====== ====== Lifetime Rank on SourceForge: 6103 4391 3676 2452 (56.2%) (68.5%) (73.6%) (82.4%) Max Week's Rank on SourceForge: 6023 62 37 27 (56.8%) (99.6%) (99.8%) (99.8%) Total SF Page Views 200 * 50,000 86,000 Total SF Downloads 0 * 1700 3640 Total Freshmeat URL Hits 0 746 1121 2237 Total Freshmeat Subscriptions 0 16 19 28 Lines of Code in src/: 115,754 115,901 116,970 132,134 Code lines 100,549 Comment line 11,591 Blank 20,559 Lines of Docs in doc/: 1,135 1,135 2,100 2,225 Lines of content in website: 74 1,173 1,624 2,090 Size of the Inkscape wiki: 0 3,700 5,737 7,385 Hours since last ChangeLog mod: 90 6 2 21 Bugs open/total: 0/0 9/15 40/51 67/111 Features open/total: 0/0 18/18 23/24 40/45 Patches open/total: 0/0 1/ 6 5/20 6/25 CVS Commits (as per inkscape-cvs): 148 481 963 * Inkscape-devel membership: 4 49 61 64 Inkscape-announce membership: 0 9 14 16
* - Statistics unavailable
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington