I vote a.
- Johan
On 13-1-2015 11:45, Bryce Harrington wrote:
A majority vote of the current board members is required for this matter.
Tav would like to attend the SVG working group meeting in Sydney next month.
[ ] a. Approve funding Tav to attend the Sydney SVG WG meeting as outlined below, for a total of up to $2250. [ ] b. Do not approve funding Tav.
I (Tav) would like funding to attend the Sydney SVG working group meeting, to be held February 11-14, 2015. The first day will be a joint meeting with the CSS working group.
The working group is targeting this meeting to move the SVG 2 specification into "last call" at which point no new features can be added and incomplete features can be dropped. It is an important meeting to attend to make sure that features that are important to Inkscape remain in the specification. The full justification for attending is in the attached proposal (which is also checked into the Inkscape board bzr repository).
The cost of attending (both financial and time) is higher than previous meetings that I have attended with Inkscape's support but I think the importance of this meeting justifies it.
Note, reports from previously attended SVG WG meetings can be found on my blog:
At this meeting, the SVG working group plans on moving the SVG 2 specification to "Last Call". At this point the specification is essentially feature complete with no new features to be added and incomplete features removed. It is an important meeting to attend in person to make sure that features important to Inkscape such as mesh gradients, hatched fills, and auto-flowed text are not dropped. It also is a last chance to add new features adopted like text-on-a-shape or resolve problems such as getting proper closing of paths. The meeting also is an opportunity to lobby the browsers to implement SVG 2 features already supported by Inkscape such as the 'context-fill' and 'context-stroke' values for the 'fill' and 'stroke' properties which allows automatically matching marker fill color to path stroke color and the 'auto-reverse-start' value for the marker orientation which allows an arrow marker to be used both at the start and end of a path.
There are typically a number of SVG meetings throughout the year. The total cost of these meetings may represent a non-trivial fraction of Inkscape's annual income, so it may be worthwhile to budget the proportion of Inkscape's income to go to these events. If this is done, the amount approved for this trip will be included in the SVG meetings category.
Progress on SVG 2 can be followed at:
My presentations at the last SVG working group meeting can be found at:
and a meeting report at:
Approximate cost for Sydney
Transportation: Paris to Syndey: $1500 6 nights lodging/meals: $ 750
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