Hi all, The Jenkins server seems to work well. Today we got extra space (30GB total now), so now we should have plenty for: - trunk build, unittest, etc. - release, unittest, etc. - rendertest (trunk only?) - 2geom trunk, tests, etc. - wishes?
1. I want to give more people access to Jenkins. If only to be able to restart builds if something simple goes wrong (bzr sometimes crashes, which fails the build. Simply clicking the Build Now button fixes that). Ping me on IRC for login details. I prevented people from signing up, because it quickly creates a mess of users in my previous experience. Perhaps there is a better way. Access rights are pretty granular btw. No root rights required for everybody, keeping OSUOSL happy.
2. I would greatly appreciate it if someone can help me to quickly forward port 80 to 8080, so that we can access jenkins simpler through http://jenkins.inkscape.org
3. Bryce, when we have released and things are quieter for you, let's set up Coverity together.
4. Simple mail send-only capability must be set up. I have no experience with this. Help is welcome.
5. I'll try to get rendertests going. Tomasz's branch output looks great.
6. Remember Josh's post about inkscape-tester, sign up for it!
cheers, Johan