Hi Pono. Thanks for trying to throw some oil on troubled waters, but this is an ongoing pattern of unreasonable behaviour by a PLC member.  I understand the rules, but asking that the timeline be shortened on this occasion I believe was a reasonable ask. Which no one in the vote so far deems unreasonable except apparently Ted. He's not cooperating by giving a yes/no A/B vote. He's refusing to cooperate - This is not in good faith.

The purpose of this vote was/is to approve printing the next round of stickers under the same terms as we have always approved the purchase of stickers: because people want them to hand out. Trying to dictate policy based on personal feelings is not in the spirit of this project, nor is demanding that new conversations on policy be brought up in the middle of a vote that needs urgent approval/denial - votes from everyone.
People who don't participate in discussions around such things should not sit on the PLC and try to dictate how those things are approved.

The project ethos has always been - You volunteer to do the thing and you do it well, you own it and it becomes your responsibility in the project.
Ted wants a project where he does not contribute, neither code, nor stickers, does not come to dev meetings, does not even bother to read the PLC conversation, yet still insists on trying to dictate policy for paying developers and even (apparently) who gets stickers and who doesn't.

I'm sorry, no. That's not how the project works. It's not how it's ever worked, and it's certainly not in the interests of the project going forward.


On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 3:40 PM Daniel Pono Takamori <pono@sfconservancy.org> wrote:
Hey all,

Sorry for the top posting but thought it could help change the course of
the conversation a bit.

Given that this vote was a bit rushed and conversations happened in the PLC
channel that everyone might not have had a chance to read, I thought it
would help to talk about it a bit.

I mentioned in channel that the stickers were so popular at FOSDEM that we
need more (good problem to have!). Since there was a large order coming in
for the Hackfest, it makes financial sense to tack on some extra stickers
to get a discount on bulk pricing. As a vote of convenience, these were
combined into this single vote.

The questions around context for a vote are important, and while I feel the
tone wasn't ideal for a discussion about the issue at hand and the policies
at play, it's good that there's so much passion for the Inkscape community
amongst the PLC members :)

I'd just like to remind everyone that we all have different approaches to
conversation and discussion. We all want to build and grow the Inkscape
community, and there are different priorities, scopes and decision rubrics
that we use varyingly at different times to achieve these shared goals.

The prompt nature of needing the shipping seems to have escalated tensions,
so I'd just like to take this opportunity to clear the air and ask everyone
to take a moment to reflect on the above.

Thanks for all your hard work and incredible passion for Inkscape!

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:20:15PM +0000, C R wrote:
> Hey everyone! We need moar stickers!
> These are both for the hackfest stickers, and for the stickers for SFC and
> Inkscape reps attending conferences to hand out.
> We'd also like another set of business cards with the hotkeys on the back.
> The SFC will be paying for these directly and shipping them out to Rene to
> distribute at the hackfest, so we need votes asap!
> 500 Cards: £44.47
> 2000 Inkscape Stickers: £133.40
> 1000 Hackfest Stickers: £30.00
> Shipping: £30
> Total: £237.87
> Additional shipping may be required to send out hackfest stickers, so
> approval for up to £100.00 extra to reimburse for shipping stuff out to
> folks.
> Total incl shipping (up to) £337.87
> Vote:
> A. Fund stickers and cards
> B. Do not fund stickers and cards
> Thanks!
> -C

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