Hi all,
 I'd like your opinion on how to handle developers like David Mathog. He manages to make my blood boil every time I interact with him. I'll give some examples of why.
You remember in the past I've had negative experiences with him (he refused to initialize his variables, despite me repeatedly asking him and despite me pointing out a bug resulting from the bad coding style; I think now eventually he fixed the particular cases where the compiler warned about it)
If I ask him to fix his code (e.g. more than 10% of the static analyzer's output is caused by his code), most often a long email comes back of why the fix really isn't necessary because X. Then I have the option of spending time replying why X is not a good argument, not true, whatever, only to expect another long email back with Y, ...  Another type of reply is: go ahead and change it if you want.
As far as I remember, he is the only developer I ever interacted with that does not take any advice without a long tiring argument, sucking up a lot of time and energy, seemingly without considering other's experiences / code reading experience. And then in the end not acting, and expecting me to fix the mess or to not care about it.

My question is, how should I/we deal with such a person, without running away from the project in anger. Particularly, how can we enforce coding standards, coding style, etc.? I'm tired of confessing to people that, yes, indeed, Inkscape is open source and "hence" all the crashes that you experience.

Related to this, how strict do we want to be on inclusion of library code copies in our codebase, that have but a single maintainer or no maintainer at all?

David Mathog did fix a number of bugs in his code after my public email with Markus's list of bugs, with a private reply to me and Markus listing tiring arguments of why he is right and why the static analysis tool is not. Still, there are at least 8 unfixed memleaks left on that list we gave him (with undeniable reasoning provided by the static analyzer), out of the 14 memory leaks reported for Inkscape in total. And I am very sure they will not get fixed after yet another mail I have to send him...
The fixes are extremely easy btw.
In one case, changing
   to_font = (unsigned char *) calloc(0x10000,sizeof(char));
   to_font = (unsigned char *) calloc(0x10000,sizeof(unsigned char));
is below his level, and I get a reply that really I should fix it if I care...
