On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 01:12:23PM -0500, Martin Owens wrote:
> I think the only thing we need to make a call on is how disruptive any
> backers will be to our website. (at least from my perspective)

We also need to nail down what the rewards are for sponsorship levels at some point. As for how disruptive it would be to the website, how exactly would it be disruptive? Wouldn't it be something to the effect of adding new sponsors to the existing page, just adding the different tiers of sponsorship for them?

> I'd like to get the tutorial guys into the tutorial page, that should be
> easy. But we need to check to make sure that the backer is happy with
> that placement and ask if they have any svg image we can integrate into
> the page (with maybe a "support's inkscape" message in there).

I think if we were to do a "news" story about his revenue-sharing sponsorship of Inkscape and place him on the page like you suggested it would be a great way to go. If there's no objection, I'll run it by him and ask him about an image to integrate in the page. As for the image, what did you have in mind?

> For the other backer, what do they want and for how long?

They approached it as just wanting to be listed on the sponsorship page. He hadn't mentioned anything term-wise, but in our (Inkscape's) discussions about sponsorship levels we had discussed listing tiered sponsors for a year.

I bet we could get them to add a blurb about Inkscape, our logo, and url to the literature they will be shipping with their laser cutters (and likely their website as well), and if that were the case I would press for us to give them one of those "ongoing" placements that our service providers get. If others think that this would be worth entertaining I can shoot an email their way.

> At this stage I'd be willing to kick an ad-hoc vote in to clear these
> quickly.

I'd also like to get this nailed down, those are some big
contributions.  If we need a vote let me know what we need to be voting
on and I'll get it set up asap.

As soon as we can figure out exactly what we're voting on, that would be great. :)
