On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 05:52:21PM -0500, Brett Smith wrote:
On 01/09/2018 04:42 PM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Before we initiate that, I think it makes sense to look at this other provider’s ToS and see whether we can avoid the issue completely. If your testing so far hasn’t revealed any issues, can you please point me at them, and we’ll take a look?
I did some testing/research over the weekend and it all went quite well.
This is much, much more promising. I did a quick read and there’s nothing remotely like the troublesome clause in DigitalOcean’s ToS. I’m bumping this up to legal for their review. The main question mark in my mind is how we’ll feel about the very last clause that the German ToS prevail. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks Brett, looking forward to it, let me know once you've hear from legal.
The intent from the outset was to secure a pair of hosting providers, one primary one backup. The cloudscale.ch offer seems broader and more long term, so independent of the ToS issue I would be leaning towards them as primary with DigitalOcean as the backup. If the ToS issue removes DigitalOcean from the running then I'm sure we can find an alternate, so we can continue keeping our eyes open.
Thanks, Bryce