Thanks Bryce,
Votes inline.
- Reduce the Bronze Level to $500.
[X] Yes. [ ] No. Keep Bronze Level at $1000
2. Divide Sponsors page by sponsorship level, with increased prominance and duration for higher levels than lower.
[ ] Yes. [X] No. Keep the page layout to discretion of web team
Do we want to say something about what kind of guarantee a placement has on the front page or how many slots there are there if not rotated?
- Merge Platinum and Diamond sponsorship levels for now. Diamond
can be re-introduced later when we need it.
[X] Yes, merge Platinum and Diamond [ ] No. Keep these two levels as-is.
- Add reward of placement in the website footer for Platinum
[X] Yes. [ ] No. Do not include sponsors in website footer
- Add a Recent News item for Golden level and two news items for
[X] Yes. [ ] No. Provide no guarantee of any news mentions.
- Add mention in all Release Notes for two years for Platinum level
[X] Yes. [ ] No. Do not include sponsorship messages in Inkscape's Release Notes.