Alright I'm going to circle back around to business...

I'm in favor of a video chat to address the scope of the committee's purpose/responsibilities. I do not believe we need SFC involved in that initial meeting unless they would like to be involved. I think the meeting needs to come up with a proposal to then discuss with SFC. We can go to the community from there.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 9:25 AM Martin Owens <> wrote:
Dear Inkscape Committee,

After our detailed discussion with Karen and Pono, it's becoming more
clear that we should be running Committee Meetings via a video chat
service. There is a great need to have more discussion, debate and
decision making process at specified times and places outside of this
mailing list and I believe that the SFC's suggestion of using their big
blue button server is actually their gentle hint that running a higher
bandwidth meeting would benefit the project greatly.

I propose that we start running committee meetings. This meeting would
be a distinct and different event from the existing status update
event, where activate items have their updates relayed to the rest of
the project. But would instead focus on many of the processes,
problems, activities and votes which are involved in being a
responsible committee for the Inkscape project.

To kick off this series of meetings, I'd like to invite Pono to chair
the first meeting. The hope here is that the SFC can instruct us on the
right way to conduct a more structured and productive meeting via video
chat and then from there on we would conduct meetings monthly, with
reports and recordings to the mailing list. Using this as a template.

Should this idea meet with general approval from the rest of the board,
Ted would contact the SFC to formally request a suitable date and time
which the SFC would be available to offer this initial meeting and when
the majority of the current comittee members would be available. The
agenta would focus on reviewing the basics of meeting operation and our
questions to the SFC about running ourselves better.

I believe having this meeting structure is essential before we can
conduct much of the rest of the business for Inkscpe we must have a
decision making process which is more attentive than the current
mailing list approach where I don't believe proper quorum can be
achieved which raises doubts bout the legitimacy of the decisions we
make here.

A vote will follow after period for comments.

Best Regards, Martin Owens
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