Thank you for taking the time to respond.  This is all really great info.  If you could supply an invoice that would be perfect!

I like the idea of being an official Inkscape sponsor.  It's something we'll definitely consider as there are multiple programs we're trying to support right now with a limited budget.  And I'd like to hear more about directed ways to sponsor specific development projects.

I don't think I'll be able to make the Pasadena convention but please feel free to forward my contact info to anyone who would like to talk.  I'm open to any ideas at this point.

From: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...>
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 8:29:27 PM
To: danny.young@...117...
Cc: inkscape-board
Subject: Re: Inkscape donation
Hi Mr. Young, I can help you with your request.

We are able to earmark donations for spending specifically on hackfest
expenses - typically this covers travel and lodging sponsorships for

For the written explanation, would an invoice be the type of
documentation you're looking for?  Or are you thinking something more
along the lines of a description of the event, list of attendees, etc.?

As it happens, we have several Inkscape members right now at the
Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE), which runs March 8-11 at the
Pasadena Convention Center.  Ted Gould, one of Inkscape's founders, is
presenting about Inkscape tomorrow at 11:00am.  Other Inkscapers
attending are Ryan Gorley and Josh Andler.  If you would be at all
interested, I'm sure they'd all be happy to chat with you.

One of the most straightforward ways to help Inkscape is to become an
Inkscape sponsor.  It would be great to include your organization as one
of our official sponsors.  More info is here:

If you're interested in other, more directed ways of using funds to help
development, I have been working on setting up a process for sponsoring
specific development projects.  I can give more info on this if you'd

Thanks again for your generous donation!


----- Forwarded message from Martin Owens <doctormo@...23...> -----

Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2018 11:46:50 -0500
From: Martin Owens <doctormo@...23...>
To: inkscape-board <inkscape-board@...5...>
Subject: [Inkscape-board] [Fwd: Website Feedback]

This is an interesting request. Does anyone have any good ideas about
how to be sure how money will be spent for hackfests?

I could say that the money will go into the pool used to transport
people and allow them to stay here in Boston?

Best Regards, Martin Owens

Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2018 06:55:31 -0000
From: Anonymous User <danny.young@...117...>
To: Martin Owens <doctormo@...23...>
Subject: Website Feedback

   My name is Danny Young.  I'm on the board of directors of ASIFA-Hollywood in Los Angeles.  I'm our designated liaison with the open source community.  We're interested in making a donation of $250USD with some of our funds earmarked for open source projects.  The proposal is to donate towards the March Hackfest.  Because this would be an international transfer for us, the board said it would be most comfortable if we could receive a written explanation of what specifically the money would go towards.  As a non-profit organization these things go a long way towards keeping us in good faith with our membership.
   If you don't mind doing that for us then I'd be happy to forward the info along to our CFO who could make the donation. 
   Furthermore, if you have ideas or suggestions as to how we can help support Inkscape and the open source community in general, please feel free to share that with me.  I'd love to hear it.  Thank you for your time.  I hope to hear from you soon.

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