On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 09:41:06PM +0100, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
On Wed, 2012-11-28 at 12:19 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
@Tav and Ted, I got clarification on "earmarked". Basically as I understand the answer it means, "That portion of the money coming to the Conservancy's bank account that is for the Inkscape project."
Full response is below.
Once you've reviewed, let me know if you have additional questions or are ready to finalize your votes.
(Also, anyone who wishes to alter a previously cast vote on this item based on the new info is of course welcomed to do so, but please do so quickly, as I will be communicating our decision to the Conservancy once we have reached a majority.)
I agree with allowing the Conservancy to keep 10% of "earmarked" money except in the case that the Conservancy is acting as a conduit for reimbursing certain expenses. I haven't thought carefully which expenses to include but as one example of where I don't think the Conservancy should keep 10% is in the reimbursement of travel expenses to the GSOC Mentor's meeting that are paid by Google. I am guessing that Google doesn't have the concept of "overhead" with regards to this kind of payment so the attendee would be out 10% of their travel costs.
That's a good point. Sounds like we need to define "pass-thru income" for cases like these (and the mentor payments).
Also, we haven't discussed when this 10% will kick in. I propose that it start when the new agreement is in place.
Seems reasonable. Unless anyone voices a difference of opinion, I'll include this as part of the plan.