Thanks Bryce (and Ian) for moving mountains to get this done.
I've been watching the ansible builds and all the issues you guys have had to deal with, and it's really great to see the hard work pay off.
I'm hoping that as part of the role out, we can offer up our ansible playbook to other projects in the SFC and wider open source world. Very few projects have managed to get mailman3 setups, never mind reproducible ones. Well done!
The "rollout" of the new lists will be as simple as just asking people
I think the best roll out is a final shutdown message including links of where to go to sign up to the new replacement list, followed by changing the mailman2 settings in sourceforge to disallow further posting. We can start this with the board list which should be moved right away.
People will need to re-subscribe, since SourceForge does not provide subscription lists any more.
We may have lists of email addresses used for voting.
Thanks again for the amazing work!
Best Regards, Martin Owens