Hey folks. In order to collect discussions that are related to Inkscape's internal processes, ethics and policies, we've been kinking the idea around for a RocketChat Channel #board_room, which will be a place to house not only our board meetings, but also conversations that need the board's attention. Reasoning for this is:
1. To make it easy for board members to see conversation which is relevant to decisions the board will have to make, all in one place. 2. To keep the #team_devel channel for code development matters. 3. To keep other channels such as #team_vectors uncluttered 4. To allow project members who wish to participate in the discussion a place where their points are likely to be seen by board members (to reduce having to explain nuanced conversation again)
Thus this new channel will be a digest for board members to scan through and see board-related matters before and after board meetings.
This room would be open to everyone in the project just as board meetings have always been.