I usually don't see these thank yous from donors, but this one popped in my box this morning, thought I'd forward it along.
----- Forwarded message from Chris Lamming <cpglamming@...120...> -----
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 09:31:06 +0000 From: Chris Lamming <cpglamming@...120...> To: Software Freedom Conservancy <inkscape@...41...> Subject: Re: Thanks for your donation of $50.00 on 2015-11-10 to Conservancy (directed for Inkscape)
You are very welcome Bradley.
As I sit here at work, just about to use the software yet again for another graphic, I feel that donating some money after years of benefiting from Inkscape, was absolutely the right thing to do. I hope very much that Inkscape continues to grow and improve - it is wonderful software.
best wishes, Chris
On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 3:06 AM, Software Freedom Conservancy < inkscape@...41...> wrote:
Thank you for your donation to the Software Freedom Conservancy on 2015-11-10 in the amount of $50.00. The Software Freedom Conservancy is a USA 501(c)(3) charity incorporated in the state of New York, and our federal tax-exempt identification number is 41-2203632.
The donation will be directed toward Inkscape, with 10% going to Conservancy's general fund, per wishes of the Inkscape project.
We will use the money to continue our work to support and promote software freedom. Your donation is very meaningful to us and we really appreciate it.
Would you like your donation to do even more? If you work for a company based in the USA, your company may have a donation matching program for 501(c)(3) charities. Please contact your HR, Personnel, or charitable giving department and ask! Many programs match the donation dollar-for-dollar! If you need assistance in talking with your company about this, please don't hesitate to ask for Conservancy's help!
Sincerely, Bradley M. Kuhn President, Software Freedom Conservancy
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