On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:01:00PM -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Bryce Harrington < bryce@...2...> wrote: That is a great Q. I have next to no experience with international travel, so I don't know what reasonable costs would be. My guess is that the up to $1100 for travel that Google does is probably based on something more than a guess. Yes, the reunion is located at the Google HQ in Mountain View, CA. The hotel rates for where they have deals (at 2 hotels I believe) is $129 a night and it's a 3 day event. Based on that, I would think something like up to $1500 for travel and room would be reasonable. Most of the money we have is from SoC, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to me at least.
Yeah, especially for mentors who regularly contribute the $500 back to Inkscape, I think that's an easy 'yes' if they wish to go.
One thing to keep in mind though is that $1500 is about what it'd cost to send someone to LGM next year, so we should consider which would return more to the project. In the case of a GSoC admin, going to the GSoC event is a no-brainer; for someone that's more focused on graphics contributions, sending them to LGM or the Boston hackfest might be more rewarding for them.
I think sending admins and mentors makes sense, particularly ones that have served multiple times and especially ones that have served recently. For students, if the student ended up becoming part of the Inkscape project and kept participating and contributing, that's a no brainer. But if the student is a drive-by contributor, well I think we could spend our money better.
I feel the same way. It's worthwhile to reinvest in those who have invested so much into us. For those that did the drive-by, I don't really feel as compelled to make it happen. Perhaps we put a stipulation on who we would choose to fund such as they must have participated (and completed successfully) with us multiple years or otherwise continued contributing outside of GSoC?
What if we offered $1500 for people who have served as GSoC admins 2 or more years, $1000 for people who have mentored 2 or more years, and $500 for students that have continued contributing outside of GSoC?