On 13-5-2013 10:44, Bryce Harrington wrote:
All board members are requested to vote YEA or NAY on adoption of the attached Trademark Policy for Inkscape. All votes must be posted to this mailing list to be counted.
This is a simple majority vote, but for something like this I should expect us to be in consensus, so if you vote NAY please provide your rationale so we can all consider those thoughts.
Please have your final vote in by Monday May 20th.
----- Forwarded message from Tony Sebro <tony@...41...> -----
Date: Wed, 08 May 2013 15:57:51 -0400 From: Tony Sebro <tony@...41...> To: inkscape@...41... Subject: finalizing adoption of Inkscape TM policy
Hi, all. During the last thread on this topic, it seemed as if you had reached some consensus about Inkscape's TM policy, and the conversation shifted towards identifying those who own copyrights in the Mountain Graphic logo. So, I send this as follow up to ask your committee to make a final decision re: the language of an Inkscape TM policy.
I've attached the latest version of the policy for your review. Based on your collective feedback, the current version grants more freedom re: modifying and creating derivative works using the logo, and only expressly forbids use of the Logo as a logo for an unrelated product or service. Note: Ponyscape would still technically violate this policy, but we're still free to grant them a written exception.
*As a next step:* please vote to approve the policy as a committee. If it's approved, I'll then find a solution re: determining the ownership of copyrights in the Mountain Graphic logo. If the policy isn't approved, then let me know what you'd like to see changed.
Thanks! -Tony