On Feb 19, 2008, at 8:27 PM, Ted Gould wrote:

Hey guys,

So I got this e-mail, which is kinda interesting.  I don't know about

attending the event though.  I don't think that I can attend the event.

And considering I don't know that we have anyone local in SF, it would

probably involve sponsoring someone to go.  It seems like a good offer,

but I don't believe that we can have a booth.  I wanted to see what

others thought.

Seems pretty interesting to me. If my schedule allows, I'd love to make it. Might even be a chance for my wife and I both to come up. At the moment plane tickets aren't too bad. I just need to check on a few things my wife has sometime during that month. If not, we could call it a weekend getaway.  :-)

I'm not sure how many people we'd need to be able to make a booth work (that is, if number of people is the only booth problem). How many people we could sponsor to make a difference would be something to look at.

I personally feel that it would be nice if Inkscape could have a presence there.