I vote A.


On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...> wrote:
A majority vote of the current board members is required for this


  Sponsor costs for GSoC participants to attend the GSoC Reunion
  according to the following schedule:

      * Up to $1500 each for GSoC admins who have served 2+ years

      * Up to $1000 each for GSoC mentors who have mentored for 2+ years

      * Up to $500 each for students who successfully completed their
        mentorship, and who continued contributing outside GSoC.

  Josh Andler will act as event coordinator to provide a point of
  contact for attendees and to collect expense info for reimbursement.

  [ ]  a.  Yes, approve this funding proposal for whomever gets accepted
  [ ]  b.  I might vote yes for a more limited proposal
  [ ]  c.  No, do not provide GSoC sponsorship


Inkscape has participated in the Google Summer of Code Program for many
years now.  We've got a lot of good code, several good developers, and
a good bit of cash from this participation.

Each year Google also has a yearly get together after the summer is
done.  We've had on average 3 people interested in attending each year.

This year is the 10th anniversary and Google is holding a special
Mentor's Summit (Reunion).  Google will sponsor the usual 2 delegates we
get to send, funding up to $1100 each in travel expenses and room costs.
In addition, Google will hold a lottery for others to attend, but at
their own expense.  Eligible participants for the lottery include
admins, mentors, and students.

We don't know how many lottery slots will be made available to us, but
they estimate 220 total lottery winners covering a total of 190
mentoring organizations.  So on average I guess we can expect something
on the order of 1-3 people.

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