On Wed, 2012-11-14 at 20:17 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 01:13:22PM -0400, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
(a) The older FSA's have a bug that Tony discovered when he came to work for Conservancy. Specifically, they don't have a clear hand-off from the original signatories of the FSA to the Project's Leadership Committee. Ideally, the Signatories cede their authority to the Committee, so we don't have to bug former committee members with getting signatures if they decide to move on from the project. The new FSA template fixes this. (c) Now might be a good time to update the Representation section of the FSA. Right now, as you see from (0) above, it requires explicit resignations to change the Committee, and perhaps that is too burdensome and problematic, particularly for people who have moved on from the project. Conservancy can work with you to redrafted the Representation section to better reflect your current realities of leadership. As you see in the template, there a few suggestions of how to draft Representation sections.
I notice there is text about handling the case where a committee member (or the committee in large) becomes unreachable. Something like that sounds worthwhile to add, although we probably should vote on that.
I strongly agree that something like this should be added.
I've already called for a vote on giving 10% of revenues to the Conservancy. One question I have is that the text says "earmarked revenue". What does "earmarked" mean in this context?
I've got the same question.
We should probably make the general Inkscape developer community aware of this discussion... which reminds me, I would like to put a copy of our current agreement (with names redacted) on our website. Are there any objections?