Vote A


On Apr 6 2019, at 8:18 pm, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...> wrote:
A majority vote of the current board members is required for the
following matter.

Chris Rogers is authorized for reimbursement up to 200 £ for printing and
shipping of commemorative stickers for Inkscape releases and hackfests.

- [ ] a. Provide reimbursement of up to 200 £ to Chris Rogers
- [ ] b. No
- [ ] c. Other: _________________


| Board Member | 1. |
| -------------------- |:--:|
| Bryce Harrington | |
| Josh Andler | |
| Tavmjong Bah | |
| Ted Gould | |
| Martin Owens | |
| Marc Jeanmougin | |
| Chris Rogers | |


In honor of the upcoming 1.0 release, Chris Rogers is authorized for
reimbursement up to 200 £ for commemorative stickers for the release and
for hackfest events in 2019 as we prepare for it. These will be
high-quality metalic stickers with custom designs specific to the
individual releases and events.

This is separate from the more general purpose stickers to be printed
for handing out at the Saarbrücken booth, and separate from the award
stickers being used as prizes in Inkscape's bug migration effort.

Chris will ship the stickers to various Inkscape members for them to
distribute and to commemorate their efforts.

Receipts for sticker printing and postage/shipping will be collected and
provided to Conservancy as necessary for reimbursement requests.

# Note: On resolution, CC:
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