Howdy folks,
Sorry for the delay. Here is a link to the current proposal: https://office.inkscape.org/nextcloud/index.php/s/jm7qoX9cK7LRnYG What I wanted to do is kinda pull together all the feedback. Here is the the ideas that I think came up in the PLC meeting (not all by me) but I wanted to write down for those who couldn't make it: People generally seemed happy with the idea of paying for reviews/mentorship though it seemed like folks weren't sure on how much seemed right. Probably a different amount for each.
We talked about reimbursing for a Creative Cloud license to create test files
Some additional thoughts. I think we need to either specify the reviewers/mentors in the proposal or a process to choose them just to ensure there is no conflicts of interest, etc.
The proposal was written up to suggest that we'd do the first 6 weeks, and then a PLC vote. I can't speak for everyone, but I think the review team could decide on the second six weeks not the PLC. The PLC is slow 😄
We should probably include a comment in the job request mentioning the net30 payment schedule, just to be entirely clear for anyone who would apply.
I'm not sure, and I'm not sure if Pono knows, but we should probably clarify licensing and/or copyright ownership. This seems to me to be work-for-hire which would mean that Inkscape would own copyright. I don't think that folks would have an issue with that as we'd release it as GPLv2+ with everything else. But we should be clear.
Overall, I'll say again I'm excited about the progress on this. Thanks to all who contributed! Ted