Slipping your vote just under the wire there Tav 😄
Thanks everyone!
Alight 7 days is up, let's see what we got minus my vote:
* [1] Rename to Committee (C R) * [2] Rename to PLC - (Tav and Marc) * [2] Abstain (Ted and Josh)
While PLC stands for "Public Limited Company", it's at least got the right noun in there "Project Leadership Committee".
So I'll vote for PLC and we'll stipulate that we should avoid using the PLC acronym in the documentation/website just to avoid that confusion. We'll do the full name where possible.
Let me know if this interpretation of the votes as cast is incorrect by the end of today.
Final votes are:
* [1] Rename to Committee (C R) * [3] Rename to PLC - (Martin, Tav and Marc) * [2] Abstain (Ted and Josh)
So we'll kick off renaming the team the "Inkscape Project Leadership Committee" in the relevant places. Wiki, website etc.
Thanks again for running through this practice vote. We should each do one of these votes just to keep ourselves exercised. Chris, can't wait to see what vote you'd run 😉
Best Regards, Martin Owens
On Fri, 2021-07-16 at 14:39 +0200, tavmjong@free.fr wrote:
If it really needs to be renamed, I agree with Marc.
[x] Rename it to PLC
Tav ----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Owens" doctormo@geek-2.com To: "Inkscape Board" inkscape-board@lists.inkscape.org Cc: "Inkscape Board" inkscape@sfconservancy.org Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2021 8:21:41 PM Subject: [Inkscape-board] Vote: Rename Inkscape Board to Inkscape Committee
Dear Board/Committee,
We had a practice discussion and this is our practice vote.
Background on the vote:
The Inkscape PLC is a subsidiary of the software freedom conservancy. As such our use of the word "Board" to describe our group can be confusing to English speakers.
To help remedy this, I move that we rename ourselves to the "Inkscape Committee" in all our documentation and how we describe ourselves.
- This is the name used in the SFC agreement. "The Inkscape
Committee Will Manage the Project. Authority to manage the technical,artistic and philanthropic direction of the Project and the program activities of the Project isdelegated to the Inkscape Committee (“Committee”) as defined in §6"
- It helps people understand our relationship with the SFC.
- It helps us avoid getting into discussions with third parties
that assume we're an independent organisation.
- There's a lot of things to modify. (chat rooms, wiki, website,
irc, mailing lists) although not all things need to be modified if they are hard to do. For example the mailing list.
- It's not that important. The SFC don't mind and aren't forcing
us to.
This vote wil be open for one week (7 days) from today at which point the tally will be made and the decision will be posted to this mailing list. If passed, I'll announce to the rest of the project (and especially vectors) and make a start at changing the name. We can do this bit by bit as we see things.
- [ ] Rename the "Inkscape Board" the "Inkscape Committee"
- [ ] No not rename it and keep it as "Inkscape Board"
- [ ] Rename it to something else (please specify)
Best Regards, Martin Owens Inkscape Board/Committee Member _______________________________________________ Inkscape Board of Directors mailing list -- inkscape-board@lists.inkscape.org To unsubscribe send an email to inkscape-board-leave@lists.inkscape.org