1. Yes
2. e, flat amount of $400/yr for 2009-2012, 10% from 2012 onward.


On Sat, 2015-03-14 at 15:03 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:

A majority vote of the current board members is required for the following
proposal relating to retroactive payment to SFC.


1. In light of the services provided by the Software Freedom Consortium to
   date, given on voluntary basis, should we provide a retroactive
   donation to the SFC?

    [ ] Yes, donate to SFC in thanks for their past support.
    [ ] No.  We should pay only the required 10% fee going forward
        from date of signature of the new FSA.

2.  Assuming we should donate to the SFC, how much should we donate to

    [ ] a.  10% of gross income since we have been a member (9 years).
    [ ] b.  10% of gross income since initiation of FSA #2 discussions
    [ ] c.  A flat amount of $400 per year that we have been a member
            (2009).  This amounts to $3600.
    [ ] d.  A flat amount of $400 per year since FSA #2 (2012).
      	    This amounts to $1200.
    [ ] e.  Some other amount:


Tav writes,
"I agree with Josh and Ted that a donation to the SFC is appropriate for
their past work on our behalf. Can we agree on the amount? I would
propose $400 for each year we have been a member. We have been a member
for 9 years so that would be $3600.

This assumes that the 10% kicks in on the date the new FSA is approved.

We were asked by Bradley to provide 10% of our revenue to SFC in 2012:

     (b) As I've discussed with a number of you, including Jon, Josh and
         Tavmjong, Inkscape has received fiscal sponsorship services
         from Conservancy at no charge since 2006.  Back when
         Conservancy was founded, I was an SFLC employee and SFLC was
         subsidizing my time -- effectively donating staff time to
         Conservancy.  This ceased in early 2008, and I served as a
         volunteer for Conservancy on nights/weekends until 2011, when I
         became a full-time employee -- which was the only way to keep
         it going with the services it promises (the other option would
         have been to shut down Conservancy).  Since then, to maintain
         legal services as part of the service plan once SFLC shrunk
         further, we hired Tony as well.  We get a lot done with a staff
         of two, but obviously we need financial resources to be able to
         provide these services.

         Conservancy's Board of Directors voted about a year ago that
         all member projects should be required to give 10% of their
         earmarked revenue to support Conservancy to continue to provide
         services.  This is a standard way for a fiscal sponsor to
         operate, and we were lucky before that we weren't required to
         do this, and I'd been waiting to bother Inkscape with this
         since you are one of our older members. (We haven't taken a new
         member for anything other than 10% in a few years, BTW).  I
         hope a 10% arrangement as we use with other projects now will
         be acceptable to you, and I and Tony are happy to discuss
         further this issue.

In December 2012, we voted generally favorable to paying the 10% fee
going forward from 2012.  There were questions regarding pass-thru of
Google SOC payments and so on, but generally favored the basic idea:


For comparison, Software in the Public Interest (SPI), an organization
analogous to the SFC, provides similar services and takes 5% of net
(after credit card, etc. fees):


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