Hey Alexandre (& board),
I really think this is one of those tough issues regarding Packt and the project showing any form of favoritism in the name of financial gain vs something community based (not say that there's anything comparable, but saying that tends to be the preference). If I could get a copy of it (no I don't want to pay) to judge the quality, I could then feel comfortable with voting.
As for the board though, I do believe that at some point it was originally supposed to be term based. I think we should revisit this issue as there may be people on the board who are no longer actively involved with the project and are unresponsive. Additionally, there may also be some of our newer & more active contributors who might have different perspectives that could be beneficial.
I feel that at least two people should definitely be given the opportunity to be on the board. Those people would be Johan & JazzyNico. According to ohloh.net (not perfect), but Johan is ranked as the #2 committer to the project behind only bulia and Nicolas is ranked #5 (4 commits away from being #4)... and yes, I realize that Nicolas also does translation work and maintenance, but I'm looking at commitment to the project. At some point I'd also want to extend offers to Felipe & Krzysztof as well, but that's for another day.
Johan & Nicolas, would you be interested on being on the board? If you look at the archives for the list, we rarely talk about stuff (every 6 months at best, I believe we've had a stretch of well over a year with no discussions), so it's by no means a big commitment time-wise.
Alexandre, I understand where you're coming from. Please know that you evangelizing for the project (and oss graphics software in general) is HUGELY appreciated. Please don't leave us. I will admit, I've been at that point in the past too... mainly when there is no code changing activity, lack of responses on the mailing lists, and it seems like no one is interested in just fixing bugs so we can just get a release out. Adib & Nicolas generally step up and relieve that tension though (Gellule is shaping up to be another). Either way, I've literally been just an inch away from the half baked scene (NSFW): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuBRk6tjiUQ (obviously I wouldn't be like that with any fellow contributors, but I've certainly been that frustrated).
I have to say that I'm extremely disappointed with Inkscape committee.
It's been a month since I'm not able to tell PacktPub *anything*
concrete about their proposal. A PR person is not supposed to keep
people waiting a whole damn month.
Guys, what do you expect me to tell PacktPub? That decision makers in
the project don't care about the project? That they don't actually
make decisions per se? Do you understand that this is about
I can stretch it a bit once again, but if this nonsense doesn't stop,
I will step down as PR manager.
Please forward to the rest of the committee.
Alexandre Prokoudine