On Sun, 2023-02-05 at 21:12 +0100, Marc Jeanmougin wrote:
I think it's ok to ask for preferences, but I would be for a "at most x" (even without a closed option list, where we could put any number (and 0 would be a signal that it's "none")) vote with the option chosen be the highest number having a majority
That produces an interesting vote graph. If you get bots to vote for random amounts, you end up with a vote that is always int(50% x ballots) + 1 in favour. This is not a problem if the spread is random and the there are hundreds of ballots. but our votes will be weirdly weighted.
I think an "at most" would be fine for these cases to keep things simple. I wonder if there's a vote type with some special name that does this kind of thing already.