On Jan 11, 2016 19:51, "Bryce Harrington" <bryce@...2...> wrote:
> Your vote is needed on the planned Inkscape Hackfest for 2016:
> Proposals:
> 1.  Hold the 2016 hackfest in Leeds on Apr 11-14 2016.
>     (Refer to attached proposal document for details).
>     [ ] a.  Yes, hold hackfest in Leeds as proposed
>     [ ] b.  Approve holding a hackfest, but recommend making the
>             following alterations:
>             ____________________________________________________________
>     [ ] c.  Do not approve holding a hackfest this year

Vote a.

> 2.  Reimburse using a ranked system similar to last year, but with
>     increased limits and relaxed contribution requirements, as detailed
>     below.
>     [ ] a.  Use ranked reimbursement.  Long term, high commit developers
>             are sponsored up to a higher maximum than new developers.
>     [ ] b.  Use open ended.  We'll fully cover all valid expenses
>             incurred by the sponsorees.
>     [ ] c.  Other:
>             ____________________________________________________________
>     [ ] d.  Do not reimburse for Leeds hackfest 2016 expenses

Vote a.

> 3.  If a sponsoree does not hit their maximum reimbursement amount for the
>     hackfest itself, can they apply the remainder against LGM expenses?
>     [ ] Yes.  Consider LGM and Hackfest expenses lumped together for
>         purposes of reimbursement.
>     [ ] No.  Airfare can be covered by either Hackfest or LGM
>         sponsorship (or split between them), but hotel and food expenses
>         for each event should be handled separately.

Vote yes

> 4.  The Inkscape Board sponsors a dinner event, to be funded from the
>     Inkscape general fund (instead of the hackfest fund), for Hackfest
>     attendees and guests.
>     [ ] Yes.  Allocate $600 from Inkscape's general fund for a dinner.
>     [ ] Yes, but handle funding the dinner in a different way:
>         ________________________________________________________________
>     [ ] No, do not fund a sponsored dinner for the hackfest.

Vote yes / a

Best regards, Krzysztof