Hi everyone,
when coordinating the ongoing About Screen Contest (https://inkscape.org/gallery/=about-screen-contest/contest-for-13/), we've been talking about how to do the Contributor voting, and the Vectors team would like to use the website and the Project members list (https://inkscape.org/*membership/) for it this time, because it is easier and more doable than posting to a mailing list for many.
Martin has worked to prepare the website for that, and Vectors have agreed to delay contributor voting by a few days (schedule on website hasn't been changed yet).
To let Inkscape contributors know about the membership, its meaning and how to join, we'd like to first give them that information, so they can then apply for the membership with all the necessary knowledge, and then vote on contest entries.
For this, we've prepared a few interview questions. We would like to post the interview on the website, as an article for the blog for project members here: https://inkscape.org/*membership/blog/
We'd share links to that article with all channels where our contributors come together - mailing lists for contributors and chat channels for contributors.
Would you be able to help us by answering those questions?
We would like to publish the replies on Tuesday already, in time for the Contributor voting on the About Screen.
So, here it goes: -------------------------
Demystifying Membership - A Contributor's (updated) Guide to the Inkscape Project
On March 15, Inkscape's new FSA was published to the inkscape.org website. It's a big step forward for Inkscape's contributor community, but not everyone may know what it all means yet. So, we asked the people who should know, the members of Inkscape's Project Leadership Committee (PLC).
Q1 Vectors: Hi! First of all, let's get the acronyms out of the way: what do FSA, PLC and SFC mean and how do they relate to the project?
Q2 Vectors: Okay, now we understand what they are, can you tell us why the FSA was changed?
Q3 Vectors: Were there any other updates to the FSA?
Q4 Vectors: Can you tell us a little about the process of updating the FSA?
Q5 Vectors: What do the changes to the FSA mean for the contributors?
Q6 Vectors: What requirements do people need to meet to be/become a member? Do memberships expire?
Q7 Vectors: Is there anything that contributors need to do now, to become an official member?
Thanks for reading!