Hey All,
I'm curious if we can do something. This is basically because of my current situation of still having a number of health related issues I'm dealing, and therefore can't maintain any form of steady work right now. Is there a possibility of the project getting a debit or credit card through the SFC that if the board votes to approve funding something Bradley can make payment arrangements in advance rather than it be reimbursement style?
For the record, this is coming from a discussion with Jon Cruz last night and him nudging me to attend SVG Open in Cambridge, MA this year. I have an uncle out there I'd most likely be able to stay with, but the airfare would be the issue.
As an aside, I will also bring up that we're trying to determine the 2 mentors for the GSoC Mentor's Summit this year as we have three very interested individuals. Jasper and Tav are both presenting at SVG Open this year so they will be in the states within a week of the summit. Felipe also wants to go... If one of them is on the waiting list, generally, Google will have the additional funding intended for the original slot available still and apply that. However, if we were to need additional funding to bridge a gap, what would the board say to funding a potential gap (this is hypothetical on a number of levels)?
Cheers, Josh