Hello everyone,
We have scheduled today's meeting to discuss the specific details of hiring an administrator who can help organise the inkscape project. This is a budgeting request from the Developer Team to alleviate a lot of the stress from running the project and better organise.
Starting Questions * Should they be familiar with the project? * They probably shouldn't not be a developer? * Should they be part time or full time? * Should we ask the SFC to fill the role for us?
The goal is to flesh out the request so we can offer the board a set of requirements and desires around what we (as the developer team) would like to have.
Calendar: https://inkscape.org/cals/event/25/ Date/Time: TODAY, 1:00PM EDT (see above link for your local time) Video Link: https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-9wm-vj2
Best Regards, Martin Owens Developer Hat