On Tue, 2016-09-06 at 19:16 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
1.  Sponsor a hackfest in Portland, Oregon.
    (Refer to attached proposal document for details).

    [ ] a.  Yes, sponsor hackfest in Portland, Oregon as proposed.
    [ ] b.  Approve holding a hackfest, but recommend making the
            following alterations:
    [ ] c.  Do not approve holding a hackfest in Portland


2.  Which date should we target to reserve?  Note the availability may
    change, requiring us to select a different date.

    [ ] a.  Oct 21 - Oct 26, 2016
    [ ] b.  Nov 26 - Dec 1, 2016
    [ ] c.  Any of the above
    [ ] d.  Spring, 2017
    [ ] e.  Other:
    [ ] f.  No preference


3.  Reimburse using a ranked system similar to 2015.  Note this is
    somewhat less than was allocated for the Leeds hackfest, but
    expenses are expected to be lower.

    [ ] a.  Use ranked reimbursement.  Long term, high commit developers
            are sponsored up to a higher maximum than new developers.
    [ ] b.  Use open ended.  We'll fully cover all valid expenses
            incurred by the sponsorees.
    [ ] c.  Other:
    [ ] d.  Do not reimburse for Portland hackfest expenses


4.  The Inkscape Board sponsors a dinner event, to be funded from the
    Inkscape general fund (instead of the hackfest fund), for Hackfest
    attendees and guests.

    [ ] a. Yes.  Allocate $600 from Inkscape's general fund for a dinner.
    [ ] b. Yes, but handle funding the dinner in a different way:
    [ ] c. No, do not fund a sponsored dinner for the hackfest.

