I vote Yes.

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 2:15 AM, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...> wrote:

Approve SVG Working Group Meeting Sydney 2016 attendance by Tavmjong
Bah, up to $2,536.54 from the SVG WG funds pool.

  [ ] Yes.
  [ ] No.




Tavmjong Bah is our official Inkscape representative to the W3C SVG
Working Group Meetings, and his attendance has been instrumental in the
past for ensuring the standard is developed with Inkscape's needs in

The next Face-to-Face meeting is in Sydney, Australia, Feb 4-6.  We have
budgeted $2,250 for this meeting, and allocated that amount from the
general fund to a new "SVG WG funds pool".  We have dedicated
fundraising for these meetings that feeds into this pool, and eighteen
donors have currently (as of Jan 10, 2016) contributed $286.54.  Thus
there is currently $2536.54 available, to cover airfare, hotel, and
other associated travel expenses.

Some years there are multiple SVG WG meetings scheduled.  From their
website I don't see any others listed.  However if the fundraising
continues to go well then we could afford to send Tav to those as well,
at his discretion.

(As an aside, I am enquiring with SFC if given our new setup, whether we
need to continue holding a vote for each individual SVG WG meeting, or
if there's some way we can approve the attendance as a routine ongoing
expense.  If we can, I'll post a vote for that.  If we can't, then we'll
need to continue to do individual votes for each meeting.)

For reference, here is the referendum background for the last meeting
that was in Sydney:

I (Tav) would like funding to attend the Sydney SVG working group
meeting, to be held February 11-14, 2015. The first day will
be a joint meeting with the CSS working group.

At this meeting, the SVG working group plans on moving the SVG 2
specification to "Last Call". At this point the specification is
essentially feature complete with no new features to be added and
incomplete features removed. It is an important meeting to attend in
person to make sure that features important to Inkscape such as mesh
gradients, hatched fills, and auto-flowed text are not dropped. It
also is a last chance to add new features adopted like text-on-a-shape
or resolve problems such as getting proper closing of paths. The
meeting also is an opportunity to lobby the browsers to implement SVG
2 features already supported by Inkscape such as the 'context-fill'
and 'context-stroke' values for the 'fill' and 'stroke' properties
which allows automatically matching marker fill color to path stroke
color and the 'auto-reverse-start' value for the marker orientation
which allows an arrow marker to be used both at the start and end of a

Progress on SVG 2 can be followed at:


My presentations at the last SVG working group meeting can be found at:


and a meeting report at:


Approximate cost for Sydney

  Transportation: Paris to Syndey:    $1500
  6 nights lodging/meals:             $ 750

Tavmjong Bah

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