Nevermind guys. Terri heard back and the place is already booked up on those dates (and for the rest of the year).
On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 07:16:41PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Your vote is needed on the planned Inkscape Hackfest in Portland, Oregon.
Sponsor a hackfest in Portland, Oregon. (Refer to attached proposal document for details).
[ ] a. Yes, sponsor hackfest in Portland, Oregon as proposed. [ ] b. Approve holding a hackfest, but recommend making the following alterations: ____________________________________________________________ [ ] c. Do not approve holding a hackfest in Portland
Which date should we target to reserve? Note the availability may change, requiring us to select a different date.
[ ] a. Oct 21 - Oct 26, 2016 [ ] b. Nov 26 - Dec 1, 2016 [ ] c. Any of the above [ ] d. Spring, 2017 [ ] e. Other: ____________________________________________________________ [ ] f. No preference
Reimburse using a ranked system similar to 2015. Note this is somewhat less than was allocated for the Leeds hackfest, but expenses are expected to be lower.
[ ] a. Use ranked reimbursement. Long term, high commit developers are sponsored up to a higher maximum than new developers. [ ] b. Use open ended. We'll fully cover all valid expenses incurred by the sponsorees. [ ] c. Other: ____________________________________________________________ [ ] d. Do not reimburse for Portland hackfest expenses
The Inkscape Board sponsors a dinner event, to be funded from the Inkscape general fund (instead of the hackfest fund), for Hackfest attendees and guests.
[ ] a. Yes. Allocate $600 from Inkscape's general fund for a dinner. [ ] b. Yes, but handle funding the dinner in a different way: ________________________________________________________________ [ ] c. No, do not fund a sponsored dinner for the hackfest.
1. 2. 3. 4. Bryce Harrington Josh Andler Tavmjong Bah Jon A. Cruz Ted Gould Krzysztof KosiĆski Martin Owens
Past hackfests have provided excellent opportunities for Inkscape developers to meet in person, discuss the project and coordinate work on bug-fixing, feature planning, and other efforts. In the past we've also sought to align the location and time of the event with conferences or groups in the area to permit external collaborations as well. Our experience so far seems to show that we're getting far more tangible benefit out of the internal interactions than the external ones.
Thus, this event will focus more sharply on the hackfest itself, giving us much greater flexibility for time and location.
In the past events, we flexibly let each attendee arrange their own accommodation within an allowed stipend, so as to enable them to find options that best minimize costs. However, our experience has shown this to be unpredictable with sometimes sub-par stays and various levels of hassles making the arrangements and securing reimbursement.
Bryce Harrington has volunteered as event coordinator for the hackfest event.
Thanks everyone for the feedback on the proposal, I've decided to press on with getting the vote settled for the budgeted amounts so we can get a reservation in place before someone else books our dates.
There seems to not be a consensus on the preferred dates. I'm hoping the vote will help clear that up, or at least give us a majority decision we can use to start getting things nailed down.
A potential hitch for the dates is that Terri noticed the schedule on the rental company's website differs substantially from what they show on AirBnB. She's attempting to contact them for clarification (and to investigate if there's any chance we could get both units this year). Based on this we may need to adjust our dates.
On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 09:58:30PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi guys,
Attached is the proposal for a hackfest in Portland. Please review and let me know of any changes that should be made, or questions that need answered. In a couple days (depending on feedback) I'll post for a vote, and then make the appropriate reservation.
As mentioned at the meeting, if we want a hackfest in Oct/Nov there is availability for one unit or the other. It doesn't look like we could get both units until 2017, although if the proposal looks otherwise ok and if we definitely do want both units, we will contact the owners to see if there's any potential flexibility. If you have a strong opinion on dates please let me know.
Thanks, Bryce
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