Our monthly board meeting is scheduled for Friday, Oct 5th, at 10am Pacific in #inkscape-devel. All members are welcome.
Agenda: ------- * Past hackfests: recap. ** [http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2018_Kiel Kiel]
* Future meetings/hackfests. ** [http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/17x/ SCALE] - March 7th-10th, 2019 (Pasadena, California) ** [http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2019/ LGM 2019] - May 30th-June 3rd (Saarbrucken, Germany) Proposed. (About two hours by train from Paris.)
* Infrastructure ** http://chat.inkscape.org/
* Merchandise sales ** Spreadshirt ** Evaluate self-serve merchandise sales - spreadshirt, cafepress, Golden Ribbon, Think Penguin or similar [Mc]
* Action Items
* Other Business
Action Items from last meeting: ------------------------------- == Merchandise Sales == ♢ ACTION: Investigate hellotux.com for merchandise [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Coordinate announcement of spreadshirt with hackfest [crogers, vectors team] ♢ ACTION: Check with Conservancy on status of sticker production [doctormon]
=== Future meetings/hackfests === ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for SCALE hackfest [Tav] ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac] ♢ ACTION: Propose some options and concrete plans for hackfest at SCALE [tedg]
=== 0.92.4 Release === ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce]
=== 1.0 Release === ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav] ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac/barbara about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg] ♢ ACTION: Review bug fix list http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/1.0_Release_Bug_Fix_List [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Plan bug management for 1.0 [bryce,Mc]
=== Outreachy === ♢ ACTION: Verify that outreachy project proposal is written and available online [doctormo] ♦ ACTION: Check with fundraising status on outreachy, and finalize vote [bryce]
Transcripts of previous meetings: --------------------------------- http://alpha.inkscape.org/board/meetings/transcripts/