My vote: a.

On 15 Jan 2018 03:52, "Bryce Harrington" <bryce@...2...> wrote:
We'll be having our 2018 Hackfest in Boston in March.  Funding for this
will follow the same model as last year's Paris hackfest.  We do not
have attendance estimates yet, but expect it to be similar to past
events and so are budgeting for 9 attendees.

Your vote is needed on the planned Inkscape Hackfest.


1. Sponsor a hackfest in Boston for March, 2018:

    Total cost estimate for 9 people is roughly $13k.

  - [ ] a.  Yes, sponsor hackfest in Boston as proposed.
  - [ ] b.  Approve holding a hackfest, but recommend making the
            following alterations:
  - [ ] c.  Do not approve holding a hackfest

2.  Reimburse using a ranked system similar to 2015/2016/2017 hackfests.

  - [ ] a.  Use ranked reimbursement.  Long term, high commit developers
            are sponsored up to a higher maximum than new developers.
  - [ ] b.  Use open ended.  We'll fully cover all valid expenses
            incurred by the sponsorees.
  - [ ] c.  Other:
  - [ ] d.  Do not reimburse for Paris hackfest expenses

3.  The Inkscape Board sponsors a dinner event, to be funded from the
    Inkscape general fund (instead of the hackfest fund), for Hackfest
    attendees and guests.

  - [ ] a. Yes.  Allocate $600 from Inkscape's general fund for a dinner.
  - [ ] b. Yes, but handle funding the dinner in a different way:
  - [ ] c. No, do not fund a sponsored dinner for the hackfest.

Allocation for attending hackfest:

* Up to $2000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 3+
  years and > 200 commits.
* Up to $1500 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 2+
  years and > 100 commits.
* Up to $1000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 1+
  year and > 50 commits.
* Up to $500 each for any Inkscape contributor listed in AUTHORS file with
  at least 10 commits by Jan 1, 2018.


| Board Member         | 1. | 2. | 3. |
| -------------------- |:--:|:--:|:--:|
| Bryce Harrington     | a. | a. | a. |
| Josh Andler          |    |    |    |
| Tavmjong Bah         |    |    |    |
| Ted Gould            |    |    |    |
| Martin Owens         |    |    |    |
| Marc Jeanmougin      |    |    |    |
| Chris Rogers         |    |    |    |



Past hackfests have provided excellent opportunities for Inkscape
developers to meet in person, discuss the project and coordinate work
on bug-fixing, feature planning, and other efforts.  In the past we've
sometimes sought to align the location and time of the event with
conferences or groups in the area to permit external collaborations as
well.  Boston is home to Red Hat and a number of other important
companies in the FOSS community, and we hope to extend invitations.

Martin Owens has volunteered as event coordinator for the hackfest
event (with help from Tav).

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