On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 11:10:43AM +0100, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
On Thu, 2015-11-26 at 00:35 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Donna and I have gone through the ledger records to add an Actuals column for the 2015 budget:
Thanks for doing this!
Note that FY2015 isn't over yet, so there could well be more expenses to come. Also I'm not certain we've captured everything 100% perfectly so if anything looks weird lemme know.
I don't understand the entries for the Hackfest. Where does the $13,721.87 number come from? The last entry suggests that we got $6857.87 in Hackfest donations. Are some of these donations from 2014?
There should be a minus sign before the $5,724... or the numbers don't add up.
I attended two SVG WG meetings last year, Sydney and Linkoping. I was reimbursed $2250 for Sydney and $900 for Linkoping. The "budgeted" amount was just for the Sydney trip as that was approved before the budget was created.
What is our current balance? (Is the $31,000 number at the top from last year, or has it been updated?)
For 2016, I think we could be more aggressive in our spending plans. It feels to me that we could afford to be more liberal in our conference attendance sponsorships. It would be great to also see more activities like last year's book program; main limiting factor has just been finding folks to do the coordination legwork, so anyone interested in organizing something like that please send in a proposal.
I definitely agree that we could be a bit more aggressive. The book program was an excellent idea (I still use the book that I got).
We could do an expanded version of the book program - increase the number of people we give books to and/or increase the book options. Would anyone like to propose books to send out?
I think we gave books to about 10 people last time, we could make that 15 or 20 this time. Or give 2 books per person.
We could also consider going beyond mere programming and also provide e.g. design/drawing books or similar.