Ok, I just wanted to clarify that I did understand correctly initially and that I want misunderstanding anything.
Cheers, Josh On Dec 4, 2012 9:20 PM, "Bryce Harrington" <bryce@...24...> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 04, 2012 at 07:18:18PM -0800, Josh Andler wrote:
From the beginning, my interpretation was that the SFC was getting 10%
matter what for mentor payments... we're choosing to give money to
it's not the same as reimbursement from Google for the summit.
I thought that I voted that the mentor pay the 10% rather than the
(or have it withheld). This way we're not paying out 110% for mentor participation of what Google pays (at least until we get fundraising figured out).
Indeed, you did vote that way; but the majority of votes were that the 10% would not be withheld from the $500: