One of the capabilities the new funded development policy[0] gives us is the ability to specify some projects as immediately fundable, without needing to wait the proscribed 6 months.
I would like to propose we select a few projects to pre-approve, in order to prime the pump, and to serve for testing out the process.
When we started this whole effort, KK suggested a number of good projects. These perhaps need a bit more elaboration but give something to select from.
Would you guys please look through this list for 2-3 projects you think would make good initial fundable projects? Nominate ones that are well-contained and straightforward - things that would make appropriate GSoC projects for example. Please feel free to expound on the project definitions.
I'll collect everyone's nominations into a list, and we'll vote on them. Projects that get >50% vote will be made pre-approved.
0: See "Section 6: Process Exceptions" http://inkscape.org/en/contribute/funded-devel/