Hi Friends, Sorry, but I don't know how to reply to a thread when I'm not subscribed to the list. This is in regard to the issue with InkscapeForum.com. I'm the longest time active member there, and moderated for several years. This current situation has been the status quo for several years. If I had any idea the board or development community would take any interest, I would have contacted you long ago! Part of the reason I started Inkscape Community, was because I thought IF could go under any day. And I wanted to make sure there would be a forum, if that happened. Regarding any potential new "official" forum, I am ready and willing to moderate and/or admin. I can't handle network-level issues, or database issues. Although I'm willing to learn, if anyone is willing to teach. Also, I wanted to comment about the "official Inkscape forum" logo. When IF first opened, it was my understanding that the development community was not interested, and some were even opposed (based on a discussion with the owner/admin). It was for that reason, that the logo for that forum was "the unofficial Inkscape forum". It was only changed to "official" later, for reasons that I never completely understood. As fas as I understand, it was because a few members asked for it. If there was any designation, I'm not aware of it. That's all I have to contribute :-)
All best, brynn