The board is requested to vote on the following matter:
[ ] a. Approve funding Tav to attend LGM and the Leipzig SVG WG meeting as outlined below. [ ] b. Do not approve funding Tav.
This is a majority vote with Tav recused. Four votes for either (a) or (b) are required to achieve a decision.
If a tie vote is reached, or if four votes are not achieved within a week's time, we'll have Tav select someone from the AUTHORS file to vote in his place.
I (Tav) would like funding to attend the Leipzig SVG working group meeting, held April 7-10 (after LGM April 2-5, 2014).
Here, I am asking for funding to attend both LGM and the Leipzig SVG meeting. (Note there is also another SVG meeting held in Winchester in August, but I will submit a separate funding request for that later; potentially I may get some funding from the conference organizer.)
This is a critical time for SVG 2. The new features I am responsible for include mesh gradients, hatched fills, and auto-flowed text. The move to "CSS based" text layout which brings in auto-flowed text (with a natural SVG 1.1 fallback) requires a lot of work which is easiest to do face-to-face. Critical decisions are made at these meetings (i.e. dropping SVG fonts). It is important to have Inkscape interests represented.
The Leipzig meeting is being held in conjunction with LGM. I will be giving a talk on SVG at LGM. I may receive some travel support from the LGM organizers but it is not sure at the moment, so I have included transportation costs.
Approximate costs for Leipzig,
10 nights lodging/meals $1000 Transportation $400
A report from the Tokyo WG meeting can be found at:
Tavmjong Bah