In case anybody missed it, Karen reports that we have a prospective donation of $1000 in return for mention on our Sponsors page:
Bradley suggests that we should formalizing a donation program. One example he gives is Twisted Matrix:
https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedSoftwareFoundation#B enefitsofSponsorship
which has the following levels of support.
Diamondback: $20,000 and up Platinum Python: $10,000 Golden Tree Snake: $5,000 Silver Sidewinder: $2,000 Copperhead: $1,000 Aluminum Adder: $100
He suggests skipping the lowest level. Bryce and Josh have expressed support for these levels. I think they are good too. Note that the levels have been customized. Perhaps we could have:
Diamond Scribe Platinum Pen Golden Brush Silver Quill Copper Pencil
The Twisted Matrix program puts the logos of Silver and higher sponsors on the home page for one year. They also dictate the size of the logos. (160x80px).
I think we should adopt this program quickly before we lose this opportunity.