On Sun, Dec 01, 2013 at 04:51:56PM +0100, Johan Engelen wrote:
Hello all, I'm considering stepping down, resigning from Inkscape's board.
For the past months, I've lacked the motivation to spend enough time on board matters. It's been a disappointing (in myself) experience.
Moreover, recently, although there were fun moments, they are overshadowed by a number of very negative experiences on the maillist/community and I want to be able to stop reading the maillist and just pull the plug for a while. Also, already not having/spending the time to reply to messages I want to reply to is already frustrating.
It feels very bad already simply considering unsubscribing from the dev maillist that I've been reading for such a long time. But the bad experiences really stick for a long time (this weekend for example has been ruined), and the simple solution is to just not have them. It is much easier to simply contribute to Inkscape on the side, whenever I want to, and with whom I choose to.
Somehow I've lost a lot of the fun when working on Inkscape. Don't know how I can find it back.
Hi Johan,
Sorry to hear you're hitting some burnout, but it's understandable; I've been there myself, and also agree with Nathan that taking a break from the dev list will likely help. Hopefully after a few month's R&R you'll be up for getting back involved (admittedly I'm a poor example of this - I've yet to return from my own 'burnout break'...)
I'd like to see you stay on the board though; you've been a good member and have well thought opinions on matters, and it would be our loss to not have you. If you still feel the same in a few months, we can look at organizing a new election (and any one else who wants to retire we can replace at the same time.)
regards, Johan
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