Developer Meeting for March 7th 2025

​Developer Meeting Mar 7, 2025
Event: Attendees: Martin, Ishaan, Mike, Willy, Jonathan, Elendil, Marc, Tav Next meeting:
Martin: Started working on the Bugfix accelerator program. Contracts are signed. Many open, high-priority issues are on Windows and MacOS.
Mike has been working on dissecting his mega MR, got stuck on in-gamut functionality which he now thinks should be undone. Some color discussion between Martin and Mike. Mike is also experimenting with writing a Viewer for ui files.
Jonathan has been organsing the Nuemburg event. There was some organisation needed for the hotel, getting a place with single rooms but people had already booked a room in a hotel.
Also worked on the extension event sync system.
Asked about 1.4.1 extensions and Marc said that updates should be in place before the Gtl new version is available for windows.
Marc worked on the 1.4.1 release candidate installers. Worked on the capypdf building for windows Martin and Jonathan report capypdf build files appering in the source folder.
Willy worked on the documentation on the dev said and has been looking at a Korean translation. Asked about getting extensions written in python which work like the python extensions in Blender. Martin gave a description ofhow the current extensions work and why it can't be changed into a blender like system. A new system would have to be wirtten.
Tav started working on fixing bugs, two down and 2 being worked on. Jabier has a fix for one of them but the fix has to be understood more. There is some complexity in the node tracking system.
We all want to talk about the LPE code in Nuerumburg. How we can refactor it into a healthy place would be on the table.
Elendil has been working on the 1.4.1 release notes. There some things missing so far. Also working on the bug accelerator program, currently looking at a crash on clones when closing Inkscape.
Tav, Martin and Elendl will meet on wednesday at 10am EST.
Jonathan and Isshann talked about visa situations.
Thanks everyone for coming! See you next time.
participants (1)
Martin Owens