Re: [Inkscape-board] license incompatibility in inkscape 0.48.4

The .doc seems to not load in libreoffice; can anyone repost it as .txt?
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 03:42:34PM +0000, Kanefeyer, Jan wrote:
Attached you will find our fossology scan report. The report lists all licenses and the files where the licenses were found.
Wow that's huge.
It looks like there's a bunch of false positives (e.g. we have a 'distribute' feature in the application, but this is detected as a licensing keyword), slight variations in wording or formatting of the same license over and over, copyrights claimed by various people, etc.
But, I'm given to understand the only actual tangible problem here is with the Apache 2 code?
The file lists as covered by Apache 2, two extensions and the SIOX code.
For the extensions and, you're right we should not be distributing these with the codebase. In 4.8.4 you can simply prune them; they're extensions and not required for compilation or use of the code. Looking at our codebase, I see a third extension svg_transform, with the same problem.
rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/scour.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/yocto_css.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/svg_transform.*
I'll take the action to raise this issue on the list to ensure it gets resolved for 0.91 and 0.48.5.
For the SIOX files, siox.h and siox.cpp, both of those have already been rewritten to be GPL friendly:
revno: 12370 fixes bug: committer: Martin Owens <doctormo@...23...> branch nick: inkscape timestamp: Tue 2013-06-11 23:48:35 -0400 message: Fix Apache2 license conflict with GPL with re-license from SOIX upstream
I don't know that this can be quite as easily ripped out as with the extensions. Perhaps the fix can be cherrypicked into 0.48.5? Josh, can you ask Martin if he'd be willing to apply this fix for the 0.48.5 branch?
In the meantime we checked the installer and found another issue. There are a lot of dll’s and executables (see attached binary list) which cannot be matched with the provided source code. E.g.: There is the file freetype6.dll. But we do not get any search result for freetype in the sources.
freetype is a standard dependency for cairo and gtk ( Skimming through the list I think the bulk of the other files are similar gtk dependencies.
Where does these binaries come from? Are these files taken from other OSS? If yes, can you provide the licenses and sources for these OSS?
Josh and Ted, can you follow up on this?
I think as a general rule we should include a manifest file with the windows and osx binary packages that lists the component, their license, and source urls. Josh, that file you pointed to would be a good place to include this info; a column for license and a column for source url.
Regards Jan
Von: Josh Andler [mailto:scislac@...23...] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014 17:22 An: Ted Gould Cc: Kanefeyer, Jan; bryce@...2...; goejendaag@...65...; tavmjong@...47...; Vogler, Andrea; Inkscape Board Betreff: Re: license incompatibility in inkscape 0.48.4
More detailed info would definitely be helpful. I've also gone ahead and added the board list via CC since this was intended to go to the board. Just to throw out there, I am aware of a couple things. At least Jon Cruz (I believe also Felipe Sanches) has committed multi-licensed code at some point. At least some of the MPL was also licensed as GPL. Regarding the GPL2 vs 3 issue, we still haven't run across anything that explicitly states GPL2 only and what is there says GPL2 or later... so according to discussions with SFC, we are technically still a GPL2 project just with some GPL3 code. One example of a multi-licensed file can be viewed at Cheers, Josh
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:38 AM, Ted Gould <ted@...1...mailto:ted@...80....> wrote: Hello Jan,
I personally am not aware of any licensing issues that we have in Inkscape, thanks for bringing this to our attention! Do you have a report that has more detail of which files/directories are which license so we can look into it with more detail?
Thanks, Ted
On Thu, 2014-05-15 at 12:43 +0000, Kanefeyer, Jan wrote: Hello Inkscape board,
We are planning to use inkscape. Thus we scanned the source code of inkscape 0.48.4 for OSS licenses. So we found out that inscape 0.48.4 includes the following licenses:
GPL 2.0 GPL 3.0 LGPL 2.1 MPL 1.1 Apache License 2.0 creativecommons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported BSD-2-Clause BSD-3-Clause MIT Zlib W3C
Unfortunately there are license incompatibilities between some on the licenses. E.g.: Apache 2.0 <-> GPL 2.0 GPL 2.0 <-> GPL 3.0 MPL 1.1 <-> GPL 2.0 + GPL 3.0 + LGPL 2.1 + Apache License 2.0
This leads to a serious problem: The creator of the code published under Apache License 2.0 can prohibit a publishing of his code under GPL 2.0. So we are not allowed to publish it at all.
So here are my questions: Is the community aware of this problem? Is there a general statement regarding this topic available? Are there any counter measures planned/implemented?
Kind Regards Jan Kanefeyer
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jan Kanefeyer
Siemens AG Infrastructure & Cities Sector Smart Grid Division Energy Automation IC SG EA SOL D 1 Humboldtstr. 59 90459 Nürnberg, Deutschland Tel: +49 911 433-8044tel:%2B49%20911%20433-8044 mailto:jan.kanefeyer@...76... mailto:jan.kanefeyer@...76...
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Gerhard Cromme; Vorstand: Joe Kaeser, Vorsitzender; Roland Busch, Klaus Helmrich, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Ralf P. Thomas; Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin und München, Deutschland; Registergericht: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, München, HRB 6684; WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 23691322
DLLs :
\inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\bzip2.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\freetype6.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\iconv.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\intl.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libatk-1.0-0.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libatkmm-1.6-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libcairo-2.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libcairomm-1.0-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libexpat-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libfontconfig-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libgdkmm-2.4-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libgio-2.0-0.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libgiomm-2.4-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libglib-2.0-0.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libglibmm-2.4-1.dll \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\libgmodule-2.0-0.dll 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EXE files :
\inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\gspawn-win32-helper-console.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\gspawn-win32-helper.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\inkscape.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\inkview.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer$_OUTDIR\Lib\distutils\command\wininst-6.0.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer$_OUTDIR\Lib\distutils\command\wininst-6.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer$_OUTDIR\Lib\distutils\command\wininst-7.1.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer$_OUTDIR\Lib\distutils\command\wininst-8.0.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer$_OUTDIR\Lib\distutils\command\wininst-9.0-amd64.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer$_OUTDIR\Lib\distutils\command\wininst-9.0.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\python\python.exe \inkscape-0.48.4-1-win32_Installer\python\pythonw.exe

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:06:50PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
For the extensions and, you're right we should not be distributing these with the codebase. In 4.8.4 you can simply prune them; they're extensions and not required for compilation or use of the code. Looking at our codebase, I see a third extension svg_transform, with the same problem.
rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/scour.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/yocto_css.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/svg_transform.*
I'll take the action to raise this issue on the list to ensure it gets resolved for 0.91 and 0.48.5.
Actually I notice that scour was written specifically for Inkscape. So I've emailed the author to see if he'd be open to re-licensing or dual-licensing so we can keep using it.

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:52:30PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:06:50PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
For the extensions and, you're right we should not be distributing these with the codebase. In 4.8.4 you can simply prune them; they're extensions and not required for compilation or use of the code. Looking at our codebase, I see a third extension svg_transform, with the same problem.
rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/scour.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/yocto_css.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/svg_transform.*
I'll take the action to raise this issue on the list to ensure it gets resolved for 0.91 and 0.48.5.
Actually I notice that scour was written specifically for Inkscape. So I've emailed the author to see if he'd be open to re-licensing or dual-licensing so we can keep using it.
The author's willing to dual license as GPL2. I'll work with him on getting the licensing fixed in the code both upstream and in Inkscape.

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 06:20:26PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:52:30PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:06:50PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
For the extensions and, you're right we should not be distributing these with the codebase. In 4.8.4 you can simply prune them; they're extensions and not required for compilation or use of the code. Looking at our codebase, I see a third extension svg_transform, with the same problem.
rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/scour.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/yocto_css.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/svg_transform.*
I'll take the action to raise this issue on the list to ensure it gets resolved for 0.91 and 0.48.5.
Actually I notice that scour was written specifically for Inkscape. So I've emailed the author to see if he'd be open to re-licensing or dual-licensing so we can keep using it.
The author's willing to dual license as GPL2. I'll work with him on getting the licensing fixed in the code both upstream and in Inkscape.
Scour is now dual-licensed under Apache 2 and GPL 2:
I've also updated the license of the files in our tree. Josh, could you also cherrypick this change to the 0.48.5 tree?
@Jan, with this I believe the licensing issues you've raised are now squared away; please let us know if we've missed anything.

SIOX license backported in r10027 Scour license backported in r10028
I am going to ping the devel list to see if anyone has anything else they would like to see in 0.48.5 saying the cutoff to respond is a week from Sunday. If no one has any changes prior to the cutoff, we can move forward with a release for it.
Cheers, Josh
On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 06:20:26PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:52:30PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:06:50PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
For the extensions and, you're right we should
be distributing these with the codebase. In 4.8.4 you can simply
them; they're extensions and not required for compilation or use of
code. Looking at our codebase, I see a third extension
with the same problem.
rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/scour.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/yocto_css.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/svg_transform.*
I'll take the action to raise this issue on the list to ensure it
resolved for 0.91 and 0.48.5.
Actually I notice that scour was written specifically for Inkscape. So I've emailed the author to see if he'd be open to re-licensing or dual-licensing so we can keep using it.
The author's willing to dual license as GPL2. I'll work with him on getting the licensing fixed in the code both upstream and in Inkscape.
Scour is now dual-licensed under Apache 2 and GPL 2:
I've also updated the license of the files in our tree. Josh, could you also cherrypick this change to the 0.48.5 tree?
@Jan, with this I believe the licensing issues you've raised are now squared away; please let us know if we've missed anything.
"Accelerate Dev Cycles with Automated Cross-Browser Testing - For FREE Instantly run your Selenium tests across 300+ browser/OS combos. Get unparalleled scalability from the best Selenium testing platform available Simple to use. Nothing to install. Get started now for free." _______________________________________________ Inkscape-board mailing list

Excellent, sounds good.
On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 10:03:43PM -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
SIOX license backported in r10027 Scour license backported in r10028
I am going to ping the devel list to see if anyone has anything else they would like to see in 0.48.5 saying the cutoff to respond is a week from Sunday. If no one has any changes prior to the cutoff, we can move forward with a release for it.
Cheers, Josh
On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...2...
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 06:20:26PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:52:30PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 05:06:50PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
For the extensions and, you're right we should
be distributing these with the codebase. In 4.8.4 you can simply
them; they're extensions and not required for compilation or use of
code. Looking at our codebase, I see a third extension
with the same problem.
rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/scour.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/yocto_css.* rm inkscape-0.48.4/share/extensions/svg_transform.*
I'll take the action to raise this issue on the list to ensure it
resolved for 0.91 and 0.48.5.
Actually I notice that scour was written specifically for Inkscape. So I've emailed the author to see if he'd be open to re-licensing or dual-licensing so we can keep using it.
The author's willing to dual license as GPL2. I'll work with him on getting the licensing fixed in the code both upstream and in Inkscape.
Scour is now dual-licensed under Apache 2 and GPL 2:
I've also updated the license of the files in our tree. Josh, could you also cherrypick this change to the 0.48.5 tree?
@Jan, with this I believe the licensing issues you've raised are now squared away; please let us know if we've missed anything.
"Accelerate Dev Cycles with Automated Cross-Browser Testing - For FREE Instantly run your Selenium tests across 300+ browser/OS combos. Get unparalleled scalability from the best Selenium testing platform available Simple to use. Nothing to install. Get started now for free." _______________________________________________ Inkscape-board mailing list

On Fri, 2014-05-16 at 17:06 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
I don't know that this can be quite as easily ripped out as with the extensions. Perhaps the fix can be cherrypicked into 0.48.5? Josh, can you ask Martin if he'd be willing to apply this fix for the 0.48.5 branch?
The diff is super easy:
No code, no compile.

Is there anything documenting that they changed licenses? Based on ~10 mins of searching I only see it licensed as Apache, but a separate GUI they made is licensed as GPL. The only SIOX I found that was GPL was an unrelated project. I'm totally good to backport it, but just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing first.
Cheers, Josh On May 16, 2014 7:57 PM, "Martin Owens" <doctormo@...23...> wrote:
On Fri, 2014-05-16 at 17:06 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
I don't know that this can be quite as easily ripped out as with the extensions. Perhaps the fix can be cherrypicked into 0.48.5? Josh, can you ask Martin if he'd be willing to apply this fix for the 0.48.5 branch?
The diff is super easy:
No code, no compile.
"Accelerate Dev Cycles with Automated Cross-Browser Testing - For FREE Instantly run your Selenium tests across 300+ browser/OS combos. Get unparalleled scalability from the best Selenium testing platform available Simple to use. Nothing to install. Get started now for free." _______________________________________________ Inkscape-board mailing list

On Fri, 2014-05-16 at 20:52 -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
Is there anything documenting that they changed licenses? Based on ~10 mins of searching I only see it licensed as Apache, but a separate GUI they made is licensed as GPL. The only SIOX I found that was GPL was an unrelated project. I'm totally good to backport it, but just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing first.
It's not just a matter of Apache or GPL, the siox developers believe our version should be GPL because of where it comes from.

Thank you sir!
Cheers, Josh On May 16, 2014 9:03 PM, "Martin Owens" <doctormo@...23...> wrote:
On Fri, 2014-05-16 at 20:52 -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
Is there anything documenting that they changed licenses? Based on ~10 mins of searching I only see it licensed as Apache, but a separate GUI they made is licensed as GPL. The only SIOX I found that was GPL was an unrelated project. I'm totally good to backport it, but just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing first.
It's not just a matter of Apache or GPL, the siox developers believe our version should be GPL because of where it comes from.
participants (3)
Bryce Harrington
Josh Andler
Martin Owens