Hello board,
A day ago I was contacted by Łukasz Remiś who started this campaign:
to raise funds for development of advanced PDF exporting featuring CMYK color separation and more.
I immediately told him. CCing Jon Cruz and Josh, that $800 is not going to make it and that before he decides on amount of money needed for that, he has to decide, how exactly he does it, and this is best discussed with the team.
The reply came few hours ago and it basically boils down to the following: he claims to have done a finanical research and found two companies willing to do that work for $800. So he wants me to post news on inkscape.org about the kickstarter.
In all hoinesty. I think this is bullshit. This is clearly not a $800 goal, and those companies don't have a clue. And since I don't see the guy contacting *anyone* in the team, at least publicly, I'm inclined to ignore the request until he contacts the team and they come to agreement about implementation, scope of the project and real price.
The problem here is that he thinks he's right, so he might try reaching to a wider audience, and then it's going to be a disaster. He already posted that on inkscapeforum, and it's a blessing this hasn't ended up on omgubuntu yet.
So, this is the current state of affairs. Whether any decisions should be taken, is entirely up to you. Personally, I'm not doing anything until I see an agreement between kickstarter orgs, team and whoever agrees to work on it.
participants (1)
Alexandre Prokoudine