Developers Meeting, April 27th 2023

Dear Developers,
This week's meeting notes are here. Next Developer Meeting in May 8th
Attending: MikeKov, Nicco, René, Jonathan, Martin, Vansh Uppa, Rafael, Tav Apologies: Marc
René updated the build pipeline for macOS, mostly small cleanups which open us up to back-porting Ventura support to 1.2.x the target is this weekend and we can be finally done with the venture issue. Working on more automation to improve release procedures, upgrade openssl which is a little old now. Looking into contributing to the Gtk osx upstream.
Jonathan has been doing preparatory work for importers, checking files are rendered correctly. Helping with the object structure importer. Dividing up the work.
A single person so far in the Gtk external position, the prospect is an experienced gtkmm programmer. No one has yet applied for the internal position, the deadline is Sunday. Developers were all reminded of the deadlines.
Martin recorded a user-session (a session where an Inkscape user and developer explore new functionality and locate bugs together). Also collected issues from his direct sponsors, this week Martin has been working through these lists of issues. Most are small fixes but some larger works including fixing a much needed Font Toolbar problem and import and export issues. Some are refactoring for 1.3.1 but others are scheduled for 1.3. Not many issues for the Accelerator Program this week as that wasn't a focus.
Grid properties issues were worked on by Mikekov and Martin. Grids work to fix all the issues, happy with the refactoring overall, but even though users won't see any benefit, it's a good change under the hood. A refactoring branch is schedule for 1.3.1
Mikekov also has been cleaning up runtime warnings.
Rafael has been helping out with various merge requests and bugs. He's dropping out of the bug accelerator program because he's feeling it's more pressure than expected and more like a job. He suggested perhaps a bug bounty program would be more casual and more comfortable for him. Jonathan thanked Rafael for his involvement and his feedback. Giving contractors the right information about how /working/ for Inkscape is different than volunteering should be included in future programs.
Tav worked on the color management refactoring. There's a color profile element, which is a bit of a catch all and contains too much functionality so it will need to be progressively cleaned out over time. The developer shad a discussion about the differences between Display, Device and element icc profiles and what functionality is intended by each. More research is needed.
Jonathan is interested in hosting a smaller, possibly European centric developer meet-up in the Autumn. Five people in the developer meeting indicated their interest. It would all depend on scheduling and booking places to stay.
The Gimp project is hosting an event in May; Martin received an invitation to participate and talk about the integration potential between Blender, Gimp and Inkscape. The event is being hosted at the Blender HQ in Amsterdam. The invites have been forwarded to Marc and Chris R. as the people who are both physically close and with the most experience with the topic. Only travel funding would be required from our side as the Gimp project have hired a boat to stay in.
This weeks group activity was reviewing a merge request by Vansh Uppa, where Martin and Mikekov had a difference of opinion about interface design principles and a discussion was had about the best was of designing functionality so that it both safe, less disruptive and consistant. Rafael kindly offered to act as a tie breaker and review the merge request after both Martin and Mikekov defended and explained their positions.
Best Regards, Martin Owens
participants (1)
Martin Owens