Dear Developers,
Event: https://inkscape.org/cals/event/1/ Attending: Martin, Adam Belis, Ishann, Jonathan, Marc, Mikekov Next Meeting:
Release for 1.4.1, Marc compiling for RC and bug fixing is being prioritised.
Inkscape was accepted into Google Summer of Code for 2025. Vectors has been informed so that an announcement can be constructed.
First meeting of the Bug Accelerator Project has had it's first meeting. Jonathan asked about making sure Krlr17 is signed up to the milestone, but that appears not to be possible on GitLab. We'll have to just make sure we're watching the page.
Mikekov asked about going to the Inkscape Summit and if we can start booking tickets. Jonathan said the timeline is tomorrow for submitting. Martin asked about information around who is going and when they will arrive to better aid the coordination.
Mikekov was working on slicing his megga merge request into pieces. Especially his color okhsv work. Asked for a merge request on 6945.
Martin has been working on the PDF work so it's finished in time to be able to work on the Bug Accelerator Program. The output is looking great and most of the issues are fixed and most of the features and done. Imbeded SVG images are next to support and will be rendered as vectors. The builds for Windows need help and the builds for macOS will be really questionable consider the XCode requirements for the llvm for C++23.
Jonthan has been working on the async extensions work for inkstitch. W talked for a little while about how to make object-set selection saving and where that data should be saved.
Adam has been working on some merge requests and back porting.
Jonathan wants to talk about dong bug fixing on the master branch and doing work both local and upstream on Gtk issues and cleaning up the remaining problems for all platforms. He needs help with creating a list of work items. Adam was asked to help with the prioritisation and tagging.
René negotiated a new agreement with MacStatium for better CI and a remote machine to be able to connect to and test development.
Last minute chat about how to talk about UX issues, sometimes they are labeled as feature requests when they aren't really feature requests but valid UX problems. Figuring out if they should go into inbox or if they can go in the main tracker is sometimes a gray area. But UX is important enough for us to take them as real issues and not just features so labeling is important.
That's it for this week. Thanks everyone!
Best Regards, Martin Owens
participants (1)
Martin Owens