Developer Meeting Notes: Jan 10th 2025

Dear Dev Team.
Big thanks to everyone at this week's dev meeting:
Cal: Attendees: Marc, Mikekov, Rene, Tav, KrIr17, Martin, Ishaan, Jonathan Next Meeting: Early meeting, Jan 18th, Saturday
Rene: Plans to move the MacOS pipeline stuff to the Infrastructure group; Also has been in touch with MacStadium, and setting up CIs for Gnome projects Garbled font issue ("tofu") has been identified and fixed in pango. We can finally get rid of it with a dependency update. Yay!
KrIr17: Worked on fixing shortcuts in floating dialog windows
Ishaan: Working on adding tests based on Rafael's proposal
Marc hasn't worked on much and has been on holiday but finding it a little difficult to attend the new meeting times.
Jonathan; Hackfest dates: - Hotel is booked from Sunday (2.2.)- Thursday (6.2.) morning for all participants that haven't told me otherwise (checkout 9:30 am). For those who have already booked flights, they can stay until Friday morning. - Conference room is reserved Monday (3.2.) - Wednesday (5.2.) evening. Projector available. - Hotel address is Haus der Jugend e.V., Deutschherrnufer 12, 60594 Frankfurt am Main - If you also want to attend FOSDEM, we can take a train to Frankfurt together: I’ll take the train at 16:25 from Brussels to Frankfurt, which arrives at Frankfurt/Main main station (2km from the youth hostel) at 19:31. - I haven't figured out the hotel reimbursement procedure with the SFC yet, working on that.
Martin worked on a bunch of fixes, and some tentative features. Asked about doing 1.4.1. Jonathan says he would be in support of running a bugfix contract for 1.4.x if the testing team thinks it's necessary. Elendil reported on where we are on the project and some concerns about forward porting and back porting.
Jonathan: Manpreet has been working on the AI import extensions, adding support for shapes and text. It's looking solid. Linearity Curve (ex-Vectornator) has locked out users by making the software paid. Someone has been working on a Curve->Svg importer, and wants to integrate it with Inkscape. Plus there has been a a lot of progress on Affinity importer, which would be nice to have in 1.4.1 Also worked on an extension showcasing automatic packaging and translation of extensions.
Mikekov worked on the update modified signals. He tried a bunch of different possible techniques.
Ishaan asked about markers and the transform tag on marker tags.
Krlr17 asked about text attributes using pre and pre-wrap and older versions of the files.
See you all next time!
participants (1)
Martin Owens