Board meeting Friday Aug 3rd at 10am Pacific

Our monthly board meeting is scheduled for Friday, Aug 3rd, at 10am Pacific in #inkscape-devel. All members are welcome.
Agenda: ------- * Kiel Hackfest ** [[Hackfest2018 Kiel]] - Sun, 2018-09-09 until Thu, 2018-09-13
* Future meetings/hackfests. ** [ SCALE] - March 7th-10th, 2019 (Pasadena, California) ** [ LGM 2019] - May 30th-June 3rd (Saarbrucken, Germany) Proposed. (About two hours by train from Paris.)
* Merchandise sales ** Spreadshirt ** Evaluate self-serve merchandise sales - spreadshirt, cafepress, Golden Ribbon, Think Penguin or similar [Mc]
* Outreachy: Next round starts in August []
* Action Items
* Other Business
Action Items from last meeting: -------------------------------
=== Kiel Hackfest 2018 === ♦ ACTION: (Re-)Announce Kiel hackfest on inkscape-devel@ [Tav] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Kiel hackfest [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Arrange additional Kiel hackfest attendance vote [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Let folks know the new paypal tag for hackfests [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Kiel hackfest donation request news article [Moini, Ryangorley]
=== Future meetings/hackfests === ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for SCALE hackfest ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac]
=== 0.92.4 Release === ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release in early August [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce]
=== 1.0 Release === ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav] ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac] ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for collecting ideas of things worth getting fixed for 1.0 [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers]
=== Merchandise Sales === ♢ ACTION: Finalize spreadshirt for launch [crogers, Mc]
Transcripts of previous meetings: ---------------------------------

Transcript from the meeting:
Action Items:
=== Recently Completed === ♦ ACTION: Plan video for Kiel hackfest [crogers] ♦ ACTION: Arrange additional Kiel hackfest attendance vote [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Set up wiki page for collecting ideas of things worth getting fixed for 1.0 [crogers] ♦ ACTION: Finalize spreadshirt for launch [crogers, Mc]
== Merchandise Sales == ♢ ACTION: Investigate for merchandise [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Coordinate announcement of spreadshirt with hackfest [crogers, vectors team]
=== Future meetings/hackfests === ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for SCALE hackfest [Tav] ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac]
=== 0.92.4 Release === ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release in early August [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce]
=== 1.0 Release === ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav] ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac/barbara about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg] ♢ ACTION: Review bug fix list [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Plan bug management for 1.0 [bryce,Mc]
=== Outreachy === ♢ ACTION: Verify that outreachy project proposal is written and available online [doctormo]
Next meeting will be Friday, September 7th; this is just 2 days ahead of the Hackfest, for which some board members will be on travel.
On Thu, Aug 02, 2018 at 05:15:21PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Our monthly board meeting is scheduled for Friday, Aug 3rd, at 10am Pacific in #inkscape-devel. All members are welcome.
* Kiel Hackfest ** [[Hackfest2018 Kiel]] - Sun, 2018-09-09 until Thu, 2018-09-13 * Future meetings/hackfests. ** [ SCALE] - March 7th-10th, 2019 (Pasadena, California) ** [ LGM 2019] - May 30th-June 3rd (Saarbrucken, Germany) Proposed. (About two hours by train from Paris.) * Merchandise sales ** Spreadshirt ** Evaluate self-serve merchandise sales - spreadshirt, cafepress, Golden Ribbon, Think Penguin or similar [Mc] * Outreachy: Next round starts in August [] * Action Items * Other Business
Action Items from last meeting:
=== Kiel Hackfest 2018 === ♦ ACTION: (Re-)Announce Kiel hackfest on inkscape-devel@ [Tav] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Kiel hackfest [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Arrange additional Kiel hackfest attendance vote [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Let folks know the new paypal tag for hackfests [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Kiel hackfest donation request news article [Moini, Ryangorley] === Future meetings/hackfests === ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for SCALE hackfest ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac] === 0.92.4 Release === ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release in early August [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce] === 1.0 Release === ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav] ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac] ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for collecting ideas of things worth getting fixed for 1.0 [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers] === Merchandise Sales === ♢ ACTION: Finalize spreadshirt for launch [crogers, Mc]
Transcripts of previous meetings:
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On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 08:48:40AM -0400, doctormo@...23... wrote:
On Fri, 2018-08-03 at 19:26 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Next meeting will be Friday, September 7th; this is just 2 days ahead of the Hackfest, for which some board members will be on travel.
I wanted to reschedule the next board meeting for the following Tuesday.
Let's keep to the existing schedule, after all it may be useful if there's last minute planning or arrangements needed. Since I won't be at the hackfest I'd prefer not to try to run the meeting during it.
participants (2)
Bryce Harrington