Re: Inkscape: taking over MacStadium

Hi Patrick,
glad to hear from you! :)
We noticed that the runner went offline like two weeks ago, but it was certainly not inactive. While we’re shifting CI towards GitLab’s fleet, I’d still put our MacStadium resources to good use. If there are any left, that is :/
If you have any kind of emails or contact info, please send it my way. Because MacStadium’s open source pages can only be found via Google and all their links regarding their open source program are defunct.
To me it looks like they have shut it down, there is no way to register at this time. I have already sent them an email about this, but the email address they provided is a very general one and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get a response that way. I hope I can salvage something.
Thank you for your time - for now, eMail is sufficient, but I’ll reach out via chat if things get complicated.
Am 27.10.2023 um 21:44 schrieb Patrick Storz
Hi René,
I'm fine, thanks for asking! Hope you're doing fine these days as well!
I'm more than happy to share the credentials for MacStadium and (if you can make use of them) the scripts I used to set-up our runner instance.
I'm afraid however that our server might already have been shut down due to inactivity (tbh I had assumed the project had long shifted to something else since I did not hear anything in a long time and therefore did not make an effort to reach out when MacStadium sent some mails recently), so maybe the easiest way is to re-register a FOSS account?
Either way just let me know what you need from my end and I'm happy to help where I can (by mail is fine, but Chat works too, if you want to discuss synchronously at some point!)
Cheers Patrick
Am 22.10.2023 um 13:39 schrieb René de Hesselle:
Hi Patrick,
I hope you are well!
You are the single point of contact for MacStadium and our Windows runner and we need to shift these responsibilities to someone who is more active in the project. I hope you understand that this is by no means a personal critique but just „business as usual“ that we need to take care of our resources.
I am taking over these responsibilities, so I need the MacStadium contact info and credentials from you. With these I’m going to contact MacStadium and inform them of the handover and have your personal info exchanged with mine where applicable.
I do not have encrypted email, I suggest that you put all the info and credentials into a KeePass database (e.g. and I’ll provide you my mobile number where you can text me the password.
This initial email goes to the board list so people are informed, but do not send your reply there (even if password protected, I do not feel comfortable with this kind of exchange over a mailing list).
Looking forward to hearing from you,
participants (1)
René de Hesselle