Re: [Inkscape-board] Update of Committee & other matters for Conservancy/Inkscape discussion (was Re: New board members)

Hi Bradley,
It was good to meet you last week. Thanks for following up.
I have received the copy of the FSA and I assent to serve on the Committee.
On Mon, 2012-10-29 at 13:13 -0400, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
Sorry for the delayed reply to this message as well.
Josh Andler wrote on 24 September:
We held elections last week for the two open spots on the board. The results are in and "Johan Engelen" <jbc.engelen@...31...> & "Tavmjong Bah" <tavmjong@...47...> have been elected. I'm guessing that you or Tony are the ones to make it all official, so I'm initiating the discussion to make it happen.
I can confirm that Johan and Tavmjong are officially now on the Inkscape Committee in Conservancy's records and they have been added to the <inkscape@...41...> alias. I also had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Tavmjong at the Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit last weekend. Based on my discussion with him, I realized there were probably a few things that Conservancy and Inkscape should at this point discuss:
As mentioned in a previous email, we do need an official resignation from Aaron that actually says he resigns. I've left him on the Committee for the moment until we get that, just to make sure things are abundantly clear. However, this creates somewhat of an odd situation, because the current Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement (attached) calls for 7 Committee members and Aaron's continued presence makes 8.
The existing FSA doesn't require signatures from anyone who was newly elected, but it would be useful if Tavmjong and Johan acknowledge via email their receipt of the attached copy of the FSA (with sha256sum of a2020dacc0db0bea45aff3239770f3fe8f9aaff0a8f7d4b575e5554c6c2590d3 and their assent to serve on the Committee. Tavmjong and Johan, could you do that?
Meanwhile, now might be a good time to discuss updating the FSA. There are a number of reasons that I've discussed in the past with some of you about updating the FSA, and since there's a change in the Committee, this might be a good opportunity, for these reasons:
(a) The older FSA's have a bug that Tony discovered when he came to work for Conservancy. Specifically, they don't have a clear hand-off from the original signatories of the FSA to the Project's Leadership Committee. Ideally, the Signatories cede their authority to the Committee, so we don't have to bug former committee members with getting signatures if they decide to move on from the project. The new FSA template fixes this.
(b) As I've discussed with a number of you, including Jon, Josh and Tavmjong, Inkscape has received fiscal sponsorship services from Conservancy at no charge since 2006. Back when Conservancy was founded, I was an SFLC employee and SFLC was subsidizing my time -- effectively donating staff time to Conservancy. This ceased in early 2008, and I served as a volunteer for Conservancy on nights/weekends until 2011, when I became a full-time employee -- which was the only way to keep it going with the services it promises (the other option would have been to shut down Conservancy). Since then, to maintain legal services as part of the service plan once SFLC shrunk further, we hired Tony as well. We get a lot done with a staff of two, but obviously we need financial resources to be able to provide these services.
Conservancy's Board of Directors voted about a year ago that all member projects should be required to give 10% of their earmarked revenue to support Conservancy to continue to provide services. This is a standard way for a fiscal sponsor to operate, and we were lucky before that we weren't required to do this, and I'd been waiting to bother Inkscape with this since you are one of our older members. (We haven't taken a new member for anything other than 10% in a few years, BTW). I hope a 10% arrangement as we use with other projects now will be acceptable to you, and I and Tony are happy to discuss further this issue.
(c) Now might be a good time to update the Representation section of the FSA. Right now, as you see from (0) above, it requires explicit resignations to change the Committee, and perhaps that is too burdensome and problematic, particularly for people who have moved on from the project. Conservancy can work with you to redrafted the Representation section to better reflect your current realities of leadership. As you see in the template, there a few suggestions of how to draft Representation sections.
As mentioned, your current FSA is attached, and the newer FSA template is actually available publicly at:
Please take a look and let me know if you have any thoughts/suggestions/questions.
participants (1)
Tavmjong Bah